Serenity BDD Report
Home > Tag > Contacts Negative
Report generated 02-04-2024 13:26:02

Tag: Contacts Negative

2 tests |


Test Outcomes

Test Performance

Functional Coverage Overview


Key Statistics

Number of Scenarios 2
Total Number of Test Cases 2
Tests Started Apr 02, 2024 13:25:33
Tests Finished Apr 02, 2024 13:25:39
Total Duration 5s
Fastest Test 4s
Slowest Test 5s
Average Execution Time 4s
Total Execution Time 9s

Functional Coverage Details


Feature Scenarios Test Cases % Pass Result Coverage
Contact list management 2 2 100%

Key Statistics

Number of Scenarios 2 Total Duration 5s
Total Number of Test Cases 2 Fastest Test 4s
Number of Manual Test Cases 0 Slowest Test 5s
Tests Started Apr 02, 2024 13:25:33 Average Execution Time 4s
Tests Finished Apr 02, 2024 13:25:39 Total Execution Time 9s

Automated Scenarios

feature Scenario Context Steps Started Total Duration Result
Contact list management Try to set empty first and last name to the existing contact Chrome,Mac OS X 8 13:25:33 5s 076ms SUCCESS
Contact list management Try to add new contact with empty first and last name to the contact list Chrome,Mac OS X 6 13:25:34 4s 910ms SUCCESS

Manual Tests

No manual tests were recorded
Serenity BDD version 4.1.4