Serenity BDD Report
Home > Requirements > User authentication
Report generated 02-04-2024 13:25

Feature: User authentication


Given I am a registered user in the application:

First NameLast NameEmailPassword

And I am on the main page

When I fill in my email and password into the login form

And I click on the "Submit" button to login

Then I should see a Contact List page with a Logout button

Given I am not a registered user in the application:

First NameLast NameEmailPassword

And I am on the main page

When I fill in my email and password into the login form

And I click on the "Submit" button to login

Then I should see the error message: "Incorrect username or password"

Given I am a registered user in the application:

First NameLast NameEmailPassword

And I am signed in to the application

When I click on the "Logout" button

Then I should see a Main Page with the login form

Feature Coverage By Scenario

Test Outcomes

Test Performance

Key Statistics

Number of Scenarios 3 Total Duration 8s
Total Number of Test Cases 3 Fastest Test 1s
Number of Manual Test Cases 0 Slowest Test 4s
Tests Started Apr 02, 2024 13:25:27 Average Execution Time 2s
Tests Finished Apr 02, 2024 13:25:35 Total Execution Time 8s

Automated Tests

feature Scenario Context Steps Started Total Duration Result
User authentication Successful sign in to the system Chrome,Mac OS X 5 13:25:33 2s 511ms SUCCESS
User authentication Try to sign in with non-existing user data Chrome,Mac OS X 5 13:25:31 1s 495ms SUCCESS
User authentication Successful sign out of the system Chrome,Mac OS X 4 13:25:27 4s 265ms SUCCESS

Manual Tests

No manual tests were recorded
Serenity BDD version 4.1.4