Serenity BDD Report
Home > Requirements > Tests > Add contact rest negative test
Report generated 02-04-2024 13:26

Feature: Add contact rest negative test


Given i am registered in the system as a user

When i send POST contact request

Then verify that response is unsuccessful

Given i am registered in the system as a user

When i send POST contact request

Then verify that response is unsuccessful

Given i am registered in the system as a user

When i send POST contact request

Then verify that response is unsuccessful

Given i am registered in the system as a user

When i send POST contact request

Then verify that response is unsuccessful

Given i am registered in the system as a user

When i send POST contact request

Then verify that response is unsuccessful

Given i am registered in the system as a user

When i send POST contact request

Then verify that response is unsuccessful

Given i am registered in the system as a user

When i send POST contact request

Then verify that response is unsuccessful

Given i am registered in the system as a user

When i send POST contact request

Then verify that response is unsuccessful

Given i am registered in the system as a user

When i send POST contact request

Then verify that response is unsuccessful

Feature Coverage By Scenario

Test Outcomes

Test Performance

Key Statistics

Number of Scenarios 9 Total Duration 292ms
Total Number of Test Cases 9 Fastest Test 180ms
Number of Manual Test Cases 0 Slowest Test 292ms
Tests Started Apr 02, 2024 13:26:00 Average Execution Time 202ms
Tests Finished Apr 02, 2024 13:26:00 Total Execution Time 1s

Automated Tests

feature Scenario Context Steps Started Total Duration Result
AddContactRestNegativeTest Should NOT be able to add a contact with an empty first name
1 passing test case
3 13:26:00 292ms SUCCESS
AddContactRestNegativeTest Should NOT be able to add a contact with an empty last name
1 passing test case
3 13:26:00 191ms SUCCESS
AddContactRestNegativeTest Should NOT be able to add a contact with a long first name
1 passing test case
3 13:26:00 196ms SUCCESS
AddContactRestNegativeTest Should NOT be able to add a contact with a long last name
1 passing test case
3 13:26:00 191ms SUCCESS
AddContactRestNegativeTest Should NOT be able to add a contact with an invalid birthdate
1 passing test case
3 13:26:00 185ms SUCCESS
AddContactRestNegativeTest Should NOT be able to add a contact with a wrong format birthdate
1 passing test case
3 13:26:00 193ms SUCCESS
AddContactRestNegativeTest Should NOT be able to add a contact with an invalid email
1 passing test case
3 13:26:00 192ms SUCCESS
AddContactRestNegativeTest Should NOT be able to add a contact with an invalid phone number
1 passing test case
3 13:26:00 200ms SUCCESS
AddContactRestNegativeTest Should NOT be able to add a contact with a long state
1 passing test case
3 13:26:00 180ms SUCCESS

Manual Tests

No manual tests were recorded
Serenity BDD version 4.1.4