Serenity BDD Report
Home > Contact list management > Add new contact to the contact list
Report generated 02-04-2024 13:25

Contact List Management

  1 To 10 Seconds (Duration)   Contacts   Contacts Positive

Add new contact to the contact list

Scenario Outline

Given I am on the contact list page
When I click on the "Add a New Contact" button
And I fill in the following contact details:
First NameLast NameDate of BirthEmailPhoneStreet Address 1Street Address 2CityState or ProvincePostal CodeCountry

And I click on the "Submit" button to add a contact
Then I should see added contact in the contact list


# First Name Last Name Dob Email Phone Address1 Address2 City State Or Province Postal Code Country
1 John Doe 1990-05-15 34367899090 123 Main St Austin Texas 73301 United States
2 William Batista 1986-08-26 907-568-3918
Steps Outcome
1: Add new contact to the contact list ({firstName=John, lastName=Doe, dob=1990-05-15,, phone=34367899090, address1=123 Main St, address2=, city=Austin, stateOrProvince=Texas, postalCode=73301, country=United States})
SUCCESS 2s 891ms
2: Add new contact to the contact list ({firstName=William, lastName=Batista, dob=1986-08-26,, phone=907-568-3918, address1=, address2=, city=, stateOrProvince=, postalCode=, country=})
SUCCESS 4s 500ms
Serenity BDD version 4.1.4